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Conservation is, beside education, recreation and research, one of the four main missions of a scientifically operated Zoo. The movie "Conservation projects Vienna Zoo" shows the numerous activities of the worldwide oldest zoo concerning the protection of endangered species.
The director of Vienna Zoo, Dagmar Schratter, about the motivation: “Many animals have already become extinct, while countless others are critically endangered. As a modern scientific institution we have committed ourselves to conservation of species. We breed species that in the wild are at the very edge of extinction. We support programs with the aim of reintroducing species back into their former native habitats. The movie "Conservation projects Vienna Zoo" should help us to inform a wider public about the work of our Zoo and thus to contribute to raise awareness."
Vienna Zoo currently supports different projects for endangered species. Rita Schlamberger - director of the film "Conservation projects Vienna Zoo" - did a sensitive film portrait about the most important projects (like Giant Panda, Northern Bald Ibis, Northern River Terrapin, Ural Owl, European Pond Turtle, Polar Bear, Lowland Tapir or Barbary Macaque).
"During my work here in the Vienna Zoo I saw a lot of passion from all employees. I am a biologist as well, and I know about the fascination of animals living in the wild, so I can only underline the importance of the species conservation activities of the zoo. It’s up to us humans to save endangered species for the future."
Camera: Jiri Petr
Director: Rita Schlamberger
Production: ScienceVision
Technical details: 2017 I 3min I 4K I stereo I German & English
A production of ScienceVision for Zoo Vienna.